LanSchool Air Release Notes

LanSchool Air Release Notes

LanSchool Air Release Notes

Updates to LanSchool Air are applied automatically and rolled out globally over a period of 1 to 2 weeks, so the latest updates noted in the release notes might not be available in your region for a few more days. Instructors and Admins may be prompted to "refresh" to load the latest updates. LanSchool Air agents on student devices will update automatically.

LanSchool Air - February 3, 2025

For Site Admins and Instructors:
  1. Improved AI feature's ability to monitor off-task activity
  2. Updated branding
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.19506
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.19604
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.19628
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension:
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - January 21, 2025

For Site Admins and Instructors:
  1. Addressed issues to enhance the overall stability and reliability.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.19505
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.19404
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.19514
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension:
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - October 8, 2024

For Site Admins:
  1. Updates to the LanSchool Air Screen Share Requirements.
For Instructors:
  1. Instructors can close students' browser tabs on Windows and macOS devices.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.18917
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.18904
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.18930
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 2.25.18920
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 2.25.18920
  6. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - September 23, 2024

For Site Admins and Instructors:
  1. LanSchool Air no longer supports the Firefox browser on student devices. 
For Instructors:
  1. Instructors can view students' browser tabs on Windows and macOS devices.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.18817
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.18904
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.18930
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 2.25.18920
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 2.25.18920
  6. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - August 26, 2024

For Site Admins:
  1. Two-Factor Authentication is available for instructors and site admins.
  2. SSO with Microsoft Entra ID is available. 
For Instructors:
  1. Instructors can manage class chat settings.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.18612
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.18402
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.18621
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 2.25.18623
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 2.25.18623
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - July 15, 2024

For Instructors:
  1. Instructors can merge synced class rosters into one class.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.18314
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.18306
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.18312
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 2.25.18312
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 2.25.18312
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - June 17, 2024

For Site Admins:
  1. The Provisioning Window can remain open indefinitely by not setting a provisioning end date.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.18014
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.18110
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.18012
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 2.25.18120
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 2.25.18120
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - June 3, 2024

For Site Admins:
  1. Redesign of Provisioning Window. The Provisioning Window setting can now be found under Settings > General.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.18014
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.18002 
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.18012
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 2.25.18014
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 2.25.18014
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - May 6, 2024

For Site Admins and Instructors:
  1. Site admins can enable web history for the organization allowing instructors to view students' web history.
For Instructors:
  1. Instructors can create application limiting lists to limit student applications
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.17812
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.17802
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.17802
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension:
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension:

LanSchool Air - February 26, 2024

For Site Admins:
  1. Site Admins can remove student devices that have been inactive for a certain period of time.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.17316
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.16812
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.17304
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.16002
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24
LanSchool Air - February 12, 2024
For Site Admins:
  1. Admins can enable and access chat history for the organization.
  2. New updated recommendations for deploying LanSchool Air using Intune.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.17216
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.16812
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.17002
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.16002
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - December 18, 2023

For Site Admins:
  1. Redesign of IP Range Constraints. The IP Range Constraints setting can now be found under Settings>General.
For Instructors:
  1. The My Classes page class cards can now be rearranged by dragging and dropping them in place.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.1.16808
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.1.16812
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.1.16808
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.16002
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - November 20, 2023

NEW: Version 3.0 of the clients has an updated framework for increased stability and supportability. It also has an easier way to gather logs for troubleshooting.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 3.0.16716
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.0.16706
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.0.16602
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.16002
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - November 6, 2023

For Site Admins:
  1. NEW: With ClassLink, LanSchool Air adds a new option for classroom roster management. Admins can now choose to populate class rosters with Google ClassroomClever, CSV Import, or ClassLink.
  2. Admins can generate audit reports detailing changes made to the LanSchool Air environment.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.15402
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.0.16602
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 3.0.16602
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.16002
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - September 25, 2023

For Site Admins:
  1. Changes have been made to the process for Collecting logs on Mac Clients.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.15402
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 3.0.16310
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.15801
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - August 14, 2023

For Instructors:
  1. While in Grid View, students will automatically be sorted by online to offline in alphabetical order.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.15402
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.15504
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.15801
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - July 31, 2023

For Site Admins: 
  1. Admins can choose to disable confirmation emails sent to instructor accounts that are created with Azure AD.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.15402
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.15504
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.15801
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - July 17, 2023

For Site Admins: 
  1. Active hours stop and start dates have been removed to improve workflow.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.15402
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.15504
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.15801
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - July 5, 2023

For Instructors: 
  1. Instructors can mute notification sounds from the View Actions menu in chat.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.15402
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.15504
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.15401
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - May 8, 2023

For Admins: 
  1. Admins can configure the idle timeout to increase the amount of time an instructor can remain idle before being automatically logged out.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.14704
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.15302
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.15204
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - April 10, 2023

For Admins: 
  1. Admins can download CSV files of provisioned devices and users registered in LanSchool Air.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.14704
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.14301
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.14901
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - March 13, 2023

For Instructors: 
  1. Instructors can choose to display the device name instead of the student name in a class.
  2. Instructors can view and close open Chromebook tabs in Student Details.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.14204
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.14301
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.14901
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.14801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - January 16, 2023

For Instructors: 
  1. Instructors can close applications on student Windows and Mac devices.
  2. Students can be excluded from the class either by the instructor or automatically if they are currently in an active class when another class starts.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.14203
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.14301
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.14501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13603
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13603
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - December 5, 2022

For Instructors: 
  1. Instructors can create scheduled automatic dismissals for their classes.
  2. From the My Classes page, added a new option to sort classes alphabetically
For Admins:
  1. Admins can filter by Role for instructors and admins in the People section of Admin Settings.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.14203
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.14301
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.14101
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13603
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13603
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - November 7, 2022

For Instructors: 
  1. Instructors can add co-teachers to a class to be able to monitor and manage a class together.
  2. Web limiting settings are set per class and can be imported from other classes.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.14103
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.14103
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.14101
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13603
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13603
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - August 29, 2022

For Site Admins:
  1. Redesign of Active Hours. The Active Hours setting can now be found under Settings>>General. 

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.13604
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.13604
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.13503
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13603
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13603
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - August 1, 2022

For Instructors: 
  1. From the My Classes page, added a new option to sort classes alphabetically

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.13312
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.13312
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.13304
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13201
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13201
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - July 18, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. When using Share Teacher Screen, the chat panel on the student device is now collapsible.
For Admins:
  1. New option to disable manual class creation for entire organization from Admin Settings. Choosing this option will prevent instructors from creating their own classes.
  2. Admins can view classes for instructors in the People section of Admin Settings.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.13312
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.13312
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.13304
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13201
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13201
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - July 11, 2022

For Instructors: 
  1. From group view, instructors will see menu options that will allow them to push websites, blank and unblank screens and limit websites to groups.
  2. Students are able to send a select set of emojis from Chat to the teacher. 

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.13208
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.13206
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.13201
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.13201
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.13201
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - June 6, 2022

For Instructors: 
  1. From class list view, instructors can click on the website a student is currently viewing to launch it in their own browser.

For Site Administrators:
  1. New option to turn off instructors’ ability to install LanSchool Air on new student devices. Choosing this option means only site admins can deploy the student agent to devices. 

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.13004
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.13004
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.13001
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.12910
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - May 9, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. Introducing new in-app help via the Help Center icon located in the upper right corner after logging in to LanSchool Air. In the Help Center you will find tutorials, feature guides, and quick access to support. Feedback options and links to additional training are also available. 

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.12404
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12404
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.12501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - April 25, 2022

For Site Admins:
  1. New option to disable teacher and student message/chat for entire organization from Admin Settings.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.12404
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12404
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.12501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - April 11, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. New class banner images include numbers to make class identification easier.

  2. In Class Grid View, added new option to sort student tiles alphabetically.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.12404
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12404
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.12501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - March 28, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. New look and feel for the login, activation, and password reset pages.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.12404
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12404
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.12501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - March 14, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. Improved connection reliability for Chromebook students.
For Site Admins:
  1. CSV Roster Import processing speed has been significantly improved.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.12404
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12404
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.12401
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - February 14, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. Classes imported from Clever will remain available to instructors even while a Clever sync is in progress.
For Site Admins:
  1. NEW: Site Admins can now edit instructor accounts to change first and last name, request a password reset, or disable login.
  2. Improved handling of instructors with invalid email addresses when importing rosters from Clever.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.12201
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12201
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.12202
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - January 17, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. Updated the user profile settings interface to make it easier for instructors to change their first and last name, display name, password, and marketing opt-in preferences.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11801
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.12005
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11901
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - January 4, 2022

For Instructors:
  1. Resolved an issue that could cause student Chromebooks to remain offline until after restarting the device.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11801
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11605
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11901
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - December 6, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. Instructors can add websites to Web Limiting lists without including the "https://" prefix.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11801
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11605
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11801
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11801
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11801
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - November 15, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. New look and feel for the Push Website feature.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11703
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11605
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11702
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.11701
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.1.11701
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - November 1, 2021

For Site Admins:
  1. Added an option to download student client logs locally on Chromebooks to make it easier to troubleshoot without requiring Developer Mode.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11605
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11605
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11603
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - October 18, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. Created a 60-minute time limit reminder for the Access Link method of adding new student devices
For Site Admins:
  1. Added a new option to filter users based on source types to include Azure AD in addition to LanSchool Air
  2. Improved handling of long class names
  3. Included updates and improvements to language translations
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11304
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11501
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - October 4, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. NEW: Instructors can now share their screen with the entire class and capture attention by launching the broadcast in full screen on students' devices.  Thank you to our Early Access users for the feedback that helped bring this exciting enhancement to LanSchool Air.
For Site Admins:
  1. Please review the Troubleshooting section of this Sharing Instructor Screen article if your users experience any issues with Share Screen that could be related to network filtering or macOS 10.15+ permissions.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11304
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11304
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11301
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - September 20, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. Student search has been updated to better accommodate special characters.
For Site Admins:
  1. Korean and Indonesian translations are now available for both the instructor and student interfaces.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.11304
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.11304
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.11301
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - August 23, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. An all new class settings interface for improved class roster management including the ability to add new devices, and configure web limiting and blank screen options.
  2. Instructors can view and use device cart classes created by admins to quickly monitor specific groups of devices.
For Site Admins:
  1. New Device Cart Classes: Site Admins can create class rosters containing Windows or Mac devices that belong to carts or labs and share them with all instructors.
  2. Updated CSV Roster Import to support uploading larger files.
  3. Available in Early Access: Azure Active Directory integration adds and removes instructor accounts from LanSchool Air automatically and provides single sign-on (SSO). 
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10607
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10702
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10601
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - July 26, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. New: Rearrange student screen thumbnails while in Grid View. Simply click to select and drag to a new position.
For Site Admins:
  1. Find details about student devices such as login name, email address, and last used date in the Students section of Admin Settings.
  2. Review devices added by instructors (i.e., "hot provisioned/ad hoc") on the Students section of Admin Settings.
  3. Customers who paused Clever roster data can manually resync rosters into LanSchool Air from the Setup section of Admin Settings.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10607
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10702
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10601
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - July 12, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. After group screenshots are collected, students are automatically deselected.
For Site Admins:
  1. New messaging provided to indicate a failed search for instructors or students
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10607
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10702
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10601
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - June 28, 2021

For Site Admins:
  1. NEW: With CSV Import, LanSchool Air adds a new option for classroom roster management. Admins can now choose to populate class rosters with Google Classroom, Clever, or CSV Import.
  2. Modified user search to include results when a user has multiple spaces in their name.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10607
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10607
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10601
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - June 14, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. Chat messages will persist during a class session, regardless of whether students are added or removed during class.
  2. Instructors can see how many classes are currently hidden on the My Classes page. 
For Site Admins:
  1. The Remove All Students confirmation step is now supported in all languages. 
  2. When Clever is disconnected, all Clever rosters are removed from LanSchool Air and rostering integration defaults to Google Classroom.  
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10601
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10601
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10601
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - June 7, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. NEW: Instructors can collect screenshots from multiple student devices simultaneously during class.
For Site Admins
  1. Fixed an issue where searching for a user by full name would not return correct results.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10501
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10501
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10401
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air - May 24, 2021

  1. Admins can now send email invitations to addresses that contain certain special characters or upper case letters.
  2. Chromebook student devices will attempt to reconnect automatically after showing a status of "not connected to server" instead of requiring a restart.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10407
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10407
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10401
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - May 3, 2021

For Instructors:
  1. LanSchool Air makes sure that student devices remain connected even when the teacher navigates away from the class for an extended period.
  2. NEW: Instructors can now add custom class descriptions for imported classes.
  3. Users can now select their opt-in email marketing preferences in their profile settings.
For Site Admins:
  1. For Chromebook students, Admins can now import student names from Google Admin without enabling Contact Sharing.
  2. On People page, LanSchool Air now shows “registered users” and "invited users" in separate tabs.
  3. LanSchool Air now offers an easy calendar selector to set the provisioning window.
  4. Email templates now default to English if translations are unavailable.
  5. Links to legal documents have been updated.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.10203
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.10308
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.10301
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.10301
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - March 18, 2021

  1. New architecture supports more students and classes, with an increased level of performance and reliability. All student devices must be running the latest agent in order to take advantage of this new architecture.
  2. Added ability for teachers to have multiple classes active simultaneously in separate tabs.
  3. Added Brazilian-Portuguese and Japanese language support.
  4. Improved ability for student devices to reconnect automatically after going offline or changing networks.
  5. Improved nightly Clever roster sync service to ensure performance and reliability.
  6. Addressed an issue where students who had logged into multiple devices were not appearing online in a Clever class.
  7. Addressed an issue where the Chromebook agent could stop running and would not restart automatically.
  8. Addressed an issue where reinstalling the Windows agent could cause the service to stop.
  9. Addressed an issue where some instructors would see an "insufficient permissions" error when starting a class.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.9825
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.9814
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.9821
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.9705
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - November 17, 2020

  1. New Windows Setup Instructions have been published providing Admins with a new "Basic" method for installing the client.
  2. Fixed an issue where Chromebook students could not connect due to Active Hours restrictions.
  3. Fixed an issues with Blank Screen functionality during portrait orientation on Windows tablets.
  4. Addressed a customer-reported issue wherein the scrollbar becomes inaccessible after changing to full-screen view.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.200
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.200
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.9501
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.12
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - November 2, 2020

  1. Updated the option for turning off chat to say "Disable Chat" instead of "Mute Conversation". While disabled, the student status will show "Chat Disabled" instead of "Muted".
  2. Updated Blank Screen and Limit Web indicator in the toolbar to show the number of students with the feature enabled instead of showing "All".
  3. Updated notification for when a student is pulled into another class to include the teacher and class name they were moved to.
  4. Fixed an issue where some students could not reconnect after Active Hours started unless the device was restarted.
  5. Fixed an issue where Group View would not load for some classes imported from Google Classroom or Clever.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.198
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.198
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebook App: 1.1.105
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebook Extension: 1.2.12
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - October 12, 2020

  1. New LanSchool Air logo and branding displayed throughout the teacher and student interfaces. Instructors may want to point the new "circle and cloud" LanSchool Air logo to students so they can quickly reach out during class via chat.

  2. New classroom banner images to choose from to make your class icons even more unique.
  3. New browser extension enables Web Limiting support for students using the new Microsoft Edge browser.
  4. New language options enable you to use LanSchool Air in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.
  5. New option for teachers to edit their user profile to update their display name, change their password, and manage their marketing email preferences.
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed an issue where the LanSchool Air for Chromebooks app would run on some non-Chromebook devices when students logged into the Chrome browser using their G Suite account.
  2. Fixed an issue where admins would see a timeout error after authorizing access to read student names.
  3. Fixed an issue where Chromebook students would appear offline even when the app was installed and connected correctly.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.196
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.196
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks App: 1.1.91
  4. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks Extension: 1.2.12
  5. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
  6. LanSchool Air Firefox Extension: 2.24
  7. LanSchool Air Edge Extension: 2.24

LanSchool Air™ - August 3, 2020

Important Announcement
  1. In an upcoming release, LanSchool Air for Mac will only be available for student devices running macOS 10.13 or later. Devices running an older version of macOS will stop receiving updates. Follow this link for more detailed system requirements
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
  1. Added a new chat alert sounds that notifies the instructor of incoming chat messages.
  2. Fixed an issue where words can break to a new line within chat.
  3. Fixed some issues revolving around adding devices to class.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.162
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.162
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks App: 1.1.70
  4. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.2.5

LanSchool Air™ - July 20, 2020

New Features
  1. New LanSchool Air for Chromebooks app and extension have been released that are unique to each organization, meaning the policy is embedded in the app making deployment through G Suite much easier. Customers using previous versions of the app should update their G Suite Apps & Extension policies to force install these new extension ID's. Instructions for deploying the new extensions are available here.
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
  1. Added the ability for teachers to get a better view of a student's screen by enlarging it to full screen.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.144
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.140
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks App: 1.1.67
  4. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension: 1.2.2

LanSchool Air™ - July 7, 2020

  1. Corrected an issue with the Windows student client that wouldn't allow it to be uninstalled.

Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.140
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.134
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  4. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - June 8, 2020

  1. Improved Chromium Edge web limiting support for macOS students.
  2. New Chat functionality
  3. Made it easier to add student devices manually when required.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.130
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.116
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  4. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - May 26, 2020

  1. Added support for Chromium Edge in Web Limiting on Mac students.
  2. Added support for Blank Screen on Windows students with dual monitors.
Component Versions
  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.116
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.116
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  4. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - May 16, 2020

  1. Added notifications upon user login for changes made to account by admin.
  2. Implemented limit for class size to prevent unfavorable experience with more than 100 users.
  3. Added labels to Blank Screen and Limit Web to identify who is limiting the student.
  4. Implemented new Chat functionality to improve group collaboration.
  5. Improvements to Windows Client provisioning.

Component Versions

  1. LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.112
  2. LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.112
  3. LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  4. LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - April 13, 2020

  • Added a feature to mute the student device during blank screen (macOS).
  • Fixed an issue wherein the machine would not provision correctly during install except in English locales.
  • Fixed an issue in the final step of Chromebook setup for users that login without Admin permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where Google did not sync student name changes if changes are made outside configured active hours.
  • Added a fix to preclude students from circumventing the blank screen by using multiple desktops.
  • Added all time zones to active hours and made it searchable.
  • Updated the text in New Account Activation and Confirmation emails.
Component Versions
  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.10
  • LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.104
  • LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.104
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - April 1, 2020

Important Announcement
Sometimes we have to say goodbye to older technology when we’re preparing for something bigger and better. This is one of those times. LanSchool Air will no longer support the older browser technologies listed below on teacher devices:

  • Any Microsoft Edge browser prior to version 80 (Chromium)
  • Any Internet Explorer browser

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Previously, student avatars used a fixed color that did not help teachers to easily identify different students. We improved the teacher’s user experience by assigning a unique color at random to avatars based on the student’s display name.
  • Improved the way we process multiple user invites to more accurately display Pending user status.
  • Improved the way we handle student thumbnail updates for macOS students.
  • Resolved a customer-reported issue where the Windows student configuration file could be corrupted.
  • Resolved an issue with Google Classroom sync where student names were being overwritten by the student’s email address.
  • Improved the workflow setup steps for configuring Chromebook app and extension provisioning.
  • Resolved a macOS student agent install issue where the Chrome browser extension could be uninstalled if the LanSchool Classic Web Helper extension was already installed on the device.

Component Versions
  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.9
  • LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.102
  • LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.102
  •  LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - March 16, 2020

  • Resolved an issue where a student device name would not display in the “Add to Class Roster” pop-up when the same device is offline in an active class
  • Resolved an issue where a teacher could start multiple classes containing the same student
  • Resolved an issue with the “class has started” message appearing incorrectly when a teacher has more than one active class
  • Enhanced the display of student avatars on thumbnails when the thumbnail size is set to small or extra-small
  • Resolved several usability issues

Component Versions
  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.8
  • LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.92
  • LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.100
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

LanSchool Air™ - February 3, 2020

Component Versions

  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.7
  • LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.92
  • LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.92
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
New Features
  • The “People” section of Admin settings now includes sorting by columns, multi-selection of users for bulk actions, and a new “Last Login” column. Bulk delete of invited users requires additional work and will come in a future update.
  • Added a new “There was a failed login attempt on your account” notification

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer is no longer a supported browser
  • Updated Windows and macOS student agents mass deploy instructions
  • Removed the ability for users to delete themselves regardless of their permissions (helps prevent users from locking themselves out)
  • Resolved an issue where the People tab would have to be manually refreshed to see newly added user
  • Resolved an issue where new user invites were not being sent properly if there was a period in the second place of the email address. Example:
  • Resolved a Capture Screen issue where it was not working as expected
  • Resolved several accessibility issues
  • Resolved several usability issues

LanSchool Air™ - January 27, 2020

Component Versions

  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.5
  • LanSchool Air for Windows: 2.0.80
  • LanSchool Air for Mac: 2.0.90
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
New Features

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Chromebook setup instructions were updated to enable student name syncing: Mass Deploying LanSchool Air for Chromebook Student
  • The student chat dialog no longer opens at startup and now only appears if the teacher initiates a chat session or the student manually opens the chat dialog
  • Resolved an issue where the Windows agent installer could appear to stop responding if a prerequisite component like .NET was taking a long time to install (not responding)
  • Resolved an issue where the Windows agent installer was not displaying the correct error message if the provisioning window was closed
  • Resolved an issue that could occur when hot provisioning to the same organization a second time, but to a different teacher while the Windows agent was being upgraded to a new version at the same time. The Windows agent could lose provisioning and never be added to the second teacher’s class.
  • Resolved an issue in macOS 10.13 where the student chat window was not disabled if the student logged in when the teacher was chat disabled
  • Resolved an issue with macOS students where chat was not working for students who were added to an existing Clever-defined class as guests
  • Resolved an issue where some users were unable to modify and save active hours changes
  • Resolved several accessibility issues
  • Resolved several usability issues

LanSchool Air™ - January 15, 2020

Component Versions

  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.4
  • LanSchool Air for Windows 2.0.62
  • LanSchool Air for Mac 2.0.60
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
New Features
  • Enhanced notifications
  • Added the ability to select classes from the class list to hide/show

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • We now support installing both the LanSchool and LanSchool Air agents on one Windows device
  • Resolved an issue when reinstalling the Mac student agent where a second instance of the student would appear and cause two licenses to be used for one student
  • When a teacher enables Blank Screen and students are playing videos on a Chromebook using the new PiP mode, those students are now pulled out of PiP mode
  • Resolved a customer-reported issue where the control for enabling/disabling Limit Web was confusing
  • Resolved several accessibility issues
  • Resolved several usability issues
  • Resolved several browser-specific display issues (IE, Edge, Safari)
  • Resolved several issues related to saving and persisting class banner graphics
  • Added hardening to the Windows student agent to prevent students from stopping the agent from a command line prompt
  • Resolved an issue where an administrator performing a manual resync of Clever would cause the classroom banner graphics to reset back to the default image
  • Resolved an issue where taking a screen capture of a student’s screen would hang in a “capturing…” state
  • Resolved an issue where logging out from the class view could cause the user interface to hang and an exception error to be displayed
  • Resolved an issue with the Mac student using the Chrome browser when Limit Web was enabled and web limiting would not enable until a student interacted with the browser

LanSchool Air™ - December 16, 2019

Component Versions

  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.3
  • LanSchool Air for Windows 2.0.58
  • LanSchool Air for Mac 2.0.44
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
New Features
  • macOS Catalina 10.15 support
  • Added improved titles and descriptions to sections in Manage Class settings
  • Keyboard inputs are now disabled on Windows student devices when Blank Screen is enabled

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Improved error message text for expired teacher invite
  • Resolved an issue where including an emoji in Blank Screen message text prevented Blank Screen from enabling for Mac and Windows students
  • Resolved multiple browser-specific display issues (Edge, Chrome)
  • Resolved a Mac student issue where the chat window is not disabled when the student is not in an active class session
  • Resolved an issue where the new ‘Device Name’ column was not sorting correctly
  • Clever teacher email lookups are no longer case-insensitive

LanSchool Air™ - November 18, 2019

Component Versions

  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.2
  • LanSchool Air for Windows 2.0.34
  • LanSchool Air for Mac 2.0.28
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:
New Features
  • Organizations are now listed alphabetically. A text filter was also added to make it easier to find a specific organization when there are more than four in the list.
  • Added the ability for a teacher to add a student to a class session as a temporary guest
  • Updated the Chromebook setup steps to address the recent changes implemented in the new Google Administrator
  • Added the ability to perform a silent install for Windows and Mac student agents
  • Continued improvement and enhancements to our keyboard navigation and Windows 10 Narrator support to aid users with disabilities (ADA/508 compliance)

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a customer-reported issue where students were able to bypass blank screen using ALT-F4.
  • Resolved an issue where the “?” wild card was not working correctly
  • Resolved an issue where Clever Sync could break if a teacher modified class settings during the resync
  • List View sort setting now persists across class sessions
  • Multiple text string changes to improve usability and accuracy
  • Resolved an issue where the “Add Computer(s) to Class” dialog was not displaying when viewed on a Chromebook
  • Resolved an issue in the Search by Type filter where all possible results were not being displayed relative to a device’s operating system
  • Resolved multiple browser-specific display issues (IE, Safari)
  • Resolved an issue where attempting to take a screenshot of a student’s machine from the List View when in student is in tab-only mode would fail. We now provide a dialog notifying teachers that this feature is not available since the student does not have an active browser instance.
  • Resolved an issue where teacher console errors could occur when adding Windows or Mac students to an existing class that contains Chromebook students
  • Removed the prompt to set Active Hours during initial product setup
  • Added a confirmation dialog to the add devices modal
  • Resolved a Group View issue where creating a group in one class was creating the group in all classes
  • Resolved an issue where an incorrect error was being displayed when manually creating a class
  • Resolved an issue that would cause Windows students provisioned during an active class session to disappear once the class was ended
  • Removed the “Open…” menu option for both Windows and Mac agents
  • Resolved an issue where Windows students connected via a Wi-Fi connection were not reconnecting if connectivity was temporarily lost
  • Resolved several issues that now allow us to better handle changes made by administrators to active hours and IP address restriction while classes are active
  • Resolved an issue where students that were provisioned while in List View were not being displayed as part of the class until the user interface was manually refreshed
  • Resolved an issue where the student account name was being displayed as the Device Name instead of the Student Name under Admin Settings > Students
  • Removed the option for a teacher to permanently add a student to a class that is dynamically created using Clever or Google Classroom. Teachers can add students temporarily as guests.
  • Resolved an issue where teachers were unable to select student thumbnails in List View

LanSchool Air™ - October 7, 2019

Component Versions

  • LanSchool Air Server: 2.0.0
  • LanSchool Air for Windows 2.0.16
  • LanSchool Air for Mac 2.0.9
  • LanSchool Air for Chromebooks:
  • LanSchool Air Chrome Extension:

New Features

  • Added Windows student agent support
  • Added Mac student agent support
  • Added support for mass deployment of Windows and Mac student agents
  • New trial onboarding and in-product setup assistance
  • Added the ability to download and install the Windows or Mac student agent and provision from within a class
  • Added Clever support to include Windows and Mac students
  • New Group View allows teachers to arrange students into groups using drag-and-drop
  • Added a security feature that requires new organizations to be verified
  • Made it easier for teachers to set up their first class
  • Added the ability for teachers to select URLs that students view and add to Allow or Block lists

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Redesigned the admin advanced setup page
  • Added wildcard support when adding URLs and domain names to the web limiting lists
  • Enhanced Clever class list integration to allow the display of a friendly student name (first and last name) when using classes based on login name
  • Improved screen resolution when viewing large thumbnails
  • Resolved several Clever-related issues
  • Improved student identification in students and class roster. We now display device name and OS information in both the class roster and the admin student section.
  • Added links to the Help documentation to make it easier to set up and use LanSchool Air
  • Added a notification so teachers are alerted when another teacher attempts to pull a student into their class
  • Chromebooks now automatically re-provision if the provisioning code in the OU changes

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      Overview LanSchool Air preserves a 45 day record of student web history. This record can help instructors keep track of what sites students are using and if they are remaining on task. Web history can be viewed by Instructors and co-teachers in the ...
    • Disabling Edge Split Screen

      Overview LanSchool Air is unable to limit the web in Microsoft Edge when the student uses the Edge Split Screen feature. The LanSchool Air extension does not register the second screen and will not block the website. It is recommended to disable Edge ...