When classes are imported by a LanSchool Air administrator, the import transfers all classes alphabetically. Use the show/hide buttons to hide classes that are not for the current term or classes that you want to hide for other reasons.
Filtering Classes
To specify which classes display on the My Classes page:
On the My Classes page, select the

icon next to
My Classes.

The Show/Hide pop-up window shows a list of all of your classes.
(Optional) Search for a class by entering its name in the Search by name field. The list narrows as more criteria are entered.
- In the Visibility column, toggle Visible to hide a class or toggle Hidden to show a class.
Select the X at the top right to close the pop-up window and return to the My Classes page.
Rearranging Classes
To rearrange classes in a particular order that is not alphabetical, you can drag and drop class cards.
Click on the class card and drag it to the location you want on the My Classes Page.
New classes added will appear at the bottom of the list on the My Classes Page.
If you have more than 50 classes you cannot drag and drop classes.

Sorting Classes Alphabetically

If you have more than 50 classes you can sort classes alphabetically using the AZ sort button.
To sort classes alphabetically, click on the AZ icon on the My Classes Page.
Adding a Class Description
Sometimes when classes are imported, several of the classes may have the same section number or a similar name. You can add a Description to the class that is the correct one to use (the one that includes all the necessary students).
1. On the My Classes page, select the Settings icon (gear) on the class card.
2. Select the Description field on the Class Details page.
3. Enter a helpful description (Example: “5th Grade Math”).
4. Select Done.
Now you will see the description below the class title or section number.
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