Managing Instructor Profile Settings

Managing Instructor Profile Settings


Instructors may want to change their name or the display name that the student sees in LanSchool Air.  This can be done using the Edit Profile option. User can also manage their LanSchool Air password and their communication preferences.

Edit Profile

  1. Start by clicking on the circle initials at the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Next click on Edit Profile.

  3. Under Profile you can:
    1. Edit your first and last name.
    2. Edit your Display Name that the student sees.
    3. Customize the color of your initial circle
    4. Change your password
    5. Choose to Opt-out of Marketing Emails

Changing Password

Instructors and Site Admins change their LanSchool Air account password under Edit Profile.
  1. Start by clicking on the circle initials at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Next click on Edit Profile
  3. Select Change Password
  4. On the next page change your password to meet the password requirements.
    Password Requirements
    Length between 8 and 64 characters

    Must have 3 of 4 types of characters (lowercase, uppercase, numeric, non-alphanumeric)
    Must not be a common password
    Must not have 3 repeating characters
    Must not have 3 sequential characters

Managing Marketing Communication Preferences

Instructors and Site Admins can manage how they receive LanSchool marketing emails under Edit Profile

Opting In

  1. Start by clicking on the circle initials at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Next click on Edit Profile
  3. Select Manage Email Subscriptions
  4. You will be directed to a website where you can input your email address to subscribe to emails. If you had previously opted-out, a notification will appear, directing you how to manage your email subscription preferences.

Opting Out

  1. Start by clicking on the circle initials at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Next click on Edit Profile.
  3. Select Opt-out of Marketing Emails

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