Viewing Student Screens

Viewing Student Screens


When a class has started in Grid View or Group View, the teacher will see thumbnail size images of each student's screen along with a status message indicating whether the student is online, offline, or in a different state. While in Class  List View, instructors will only see the screen of the student they currently have selected.

Thumbnail sizes can be changed from extra-small to extra large. See Using Class Grid View or Using Class Group View.

Here's a short video demonstrating how to monitor student screens with LanSchool Air:

Viewing Full Screen

To get a better look at a single student's screen, hover over the thumbnail image and click the "View Full Screen" icon in the upper-right corner. Click the icon again to exit the full screen view.

Students with Multiple Displays

For student devices running Windows and using multiple displays, LanSchool Air will cycle between each display when sharing the screen with an instructor. Restrictions like web limiting and blank screen will still apply to the entire student device.

For student devices running macOS and using multiple displays LanSchool Air will show the thumbnail of the display where the student most recently was working. So that will change as the student changes the display they are active in.

For student Chromebooks using multiple displays, by default, LanSchool Air will display the student's Active Browser Tab to the instructor. If the instructor enables Desktop View, the student will be prompted to select which screen to display to the instructor. LanSchool Air does not yet support sharing multiple displays from a Chromebook.

Student Screen States

Refer to the following table to learn more about the different states a student device can be in.

Student Screen
Status Description

"Online, Not in Browser"

Chromebook - The student's device is online, but the student has not opened a browser page that LanSchool Air has access to view. This will only appear for students using Chromebooks that are set to Active Tab View. To view their screen any way, switch the student to Desktop View.

This may also appear if "Allow Screenshots" is not enabled for the G Suite OU that this student belongs to. Refer to the instructions for deploying LanSchool Air for Chromebooks for more detail.

Windows- This may appear on Windows devices that have Fast User Switching enabled.  The student client will not function properly when the computer is switched to a second user account. Please see Disabling Fast User Switching for more information.

"Online" with Placeholder Image

Chromebook Only - The student's device is online, but the LanSchool Air Chrome Extension has not been installed or is not running on the student's Chromebook. Refer to the instructions for deploying LanSchool Air for Chromebooks and ensure that  both extension ID's are set to "force-install" for students.

"Online, Waiting for Permission"

Chromebook Only - The student's device is online, but the teacher has requested "Desktop View" and the student has not yet granted permission. This state will only occur for students using Chromebook when Desktop View mode is in use. For more information on student modes, see Selecting Student View Modes (Active Tab View vs. Desktop View).

"Online" (blue lock)

Mac Only- The Mac device is online but the Screen Recording Approval has not been accepted. To accept the approval go to Finder> Applications> LanSchool Air Privacy Approvals. Click on LanSchool Air Privacy Approvals and continue following the prompts until all approvals have been accepted. 


The student's computer is online and their screen is being shared.


The student's computer is offline, the device has not yet been provisioned, or the LanSchool Air agent has not yet been installed. For more information, see Troubleshooting Offline Students.


The student's computer is enrolled in the class roster but the class has not been started yet. When the class is started, one of the thumbnails above appears, depending on the state of the student's computer.   

"Excluded: In (name of class)"

When an instructor starts class, any students that are currently in another instructor's active class will automatically be excluded and will display the name of the class they are currently in. 

If the students should be in the new class, the instructor can choose to re-include the student by selecting the plus sign next to their name.

See Excluding Students from Class for more information.

"Online" with Battery Image

The student's computer is online and their screen is being shared, but the device they are using has 25% battery power or less and should be plugged in to a power source soon. 

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